Aufgrund der anhaltenden Corona-Pandemie haben die Verantwortlichen der San Diego Comic-Con nun offiziell bestätigt, dass die diesjährige Veranstaltung ersatzlos gestrichen wurde. Somit wird es das erste Mal in der fünfzigjährigen Geschichte der Convention zu einem Ausfall kommen.
Dies betrifft auch die bereits auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt im Jahr verschobene WonderCon, welche nun vom 26 bis 28. März 2021 stattfinden soll.
Hier das vollständige Statement:
For the first time in its 50 year history, the show will not go on. Comic-Con International announced that there will be no San Diego Comic-Con in 2020 — and the next planned event will be July 22-25, 2021.Badge-holders will receive an e-mail in the coming week with instructions on how to either request a refund for their 2020 badge, or to transfer their badge to Comic-Con 2021.
For anyone who had purchased an Early Bird hotel through onPeak, hotel reservations will be cancelled and refunded, despite being “non-refundable” when booked. Please have patience on this process — it may take a few days, but there is no need to take any action.„Recognizing that countless attendees save and plan for its conventions each year, and how many exhibitors and stakeholders rely upon its events for a major portion of their livelihood, they had hoped to delay this decision in anticipation that COVID-19 concerns might lessen by summer. Continuous monitoring of health advisories and recent statements by the Governor of California have made it clear that it would not be safe to move forward with plans for this year,“ Comic-Con International said in a statement.
Additionally, while initially WonderCon — which was originally set for April 10-12, 2020 — was announced as being “postponed”, it is also now officially cancelled for the year. Organizers hope it returns to the Anaheim Convention Center on March 26-28, 2021. The Comic-Con Museum opening is also being delayed, with more information coming in the upcoming months.

Passionierter Fanboy & Comic-Nerd. Ist seit vielen Jahren im Netz als Blogger unterwegs und fungiert als Betreiber und Autor von
Zudem wirkt er als Autor für Fachmagazine wie und stellt 1/3 Sprechblase bei POW! - Ein ComicPodcast. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen Kindern im Harz.