Comicautor Rick Remender (u.a. „Deadly Class“, „A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance“) und Zeichner Max Fiumara (u.a. „Doctor Star & das Reich der verlorenen Hoffnung“, „Abe Sapien“) kündigen einen neuen Comic für Image Comics an: „The Sacrificers“.
Der Sci-Fi-Comic ist als Ongoing-Reihe angesetzt und soll ab August 2023 für den US-Markt via Remenders hauseigenem Produktionsstudio Giant Generator erscheinen.
Beschrieben wird der Comic durch den Verlag wie folgt:
„In The Sacrificers, tomorrow is a harmonious paradise thanks to five families who make everything perfect…for the price of one child per household. Now, as that bill comes due, a son expected to give everything for a family that never loved him and an affluent daughter determined to destroy utopia who must now unite to end one generation’s unnaturally protracted reign.“
Weiter unten folgt noch das offizielle Press-Release des Verlages, doch zuvor noch ein Einblick in Cover und erste Preview-Seiten...

Das Image Press Release:
PORTLAND, Ore. 05/19/2023 — The New York Times bestselling writer Rick Remender (Deadly Class, LOW) joins forces with superstar artist Max Fiumara (Amazing Spider-Man, Lucifer) to take readers to the ethereal, science fiction world of The Sacrificers. This all-new, ongoing series—which was teased to fans with a special Free Comic Book Day edition earlier this month—will officially launch in August from Image Comics.
This epic new story joins Remender’s vast body of beloved creator-owned work with top tier artists under the Giant Generator imprint at Image. In this tradition, the debut issue of The Sacrificers will feature eye-melting variant covers by artists Julian Totino Tedesco, Tula Lotay, Jenny Frison, Matteo Scalera, J.G. Jones, Nic Klein, J.H. Williams III, and Mike Mignola alongside series artist Fiumara.
“Max has long been one of my very favorite artists,” said Remender. “We worked together briefly on a Spider-Man story years ago and he’s always been at the top of my list of artists to reunite with. I think what we’ve developed here is one of the most beautiful and unique stories in the marketplace, in no small part due to Max and color master Dave McCaig’s next level world-creating. It is truly unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
Fiumara added: “The Sacrificers is the book I’ve always dreamed of working on. The pitch completely hooked me with its combination of emotional human dilemmas, exciting worlds, and eccentric characters. I’m having a blast designing it. The collaboration with Rick has been terrific, his way of thinking of story is amazingly simple and effective. He creates strong scenes that I manifest, we complement each other quite well, and Dave is doing such beautiful work with colors.”
In The Sacrificers, tomorrow is a harmonious paradise thanks to five families who make everything perfect…for the price of one child per household. Now, as that bill comes due, a son expected to give everything for a family that never loved him and an affluent daughter determined to destroy utopia who must now unite to end one generation’s unnaturally protracted reign.
The Sacrificers #1 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, August 2:
- Cover A by Max Fiumara – Diamond Code JUN230009
- Cover B by Julian Totino Tedesco – Diamond Code JUN230010
- Cover C (1:10) by Tula Lotay – Diamond Code JUN230011
- Cover D (1:15) by Jenny Frison – Diamond Code JUN230012
- Cover E (1:20) by Matteo Scalera – Diamond Code JUN230013
- Cover F (1:25) by J.G. Jones – Diamond Code JUN230014
- Cover G (1:30) by Nic Klein – Diamond Code JUN230015
- Cover H (1:35) by J.H. Williams III – Diamond Code JUN230016
- Cover I (1:50) by Mike Mignola – Diamond Code JUN230017
The Sacrificers will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

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