Neue Infos zu „Green Lantern: Earth One“ von Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman aufgetaucht
Neben der Fortsetzung zu Grant Morrisons „Wonder Woman: Earth One“ wird auch Green Lantern endlich Einzug in DCs „Earth One“ Segment halten. Die von Corinna Bechko und Gabriel Hardman umgesetzte Story soll im März 2018 erscheinen, wobei nun erste Informationen zum Inhalt des Comics durchsickerten.
„Das Buch wird Hal Jordan als Wissenschaftler und Astronauten zeigen, der auf einen Energiering stößt und das Green Lantern Corps zurückbringt, welches vor langer Zeit von den Manhunters ausgelöscht wurde.“ beschreibt die dort bereits vorbestellbare US-Ausgabe wie folgt:
„Hal Jordan yearns for the thrill of discovery, but the days when astronaut and adventure were synonymous are long past. His gig prospecting asteroids for Ferris Galactic is less than fulfilling — but least he’s not on Earth, where technology and culture have stagnated. He might be a nobody, but he’s in space.
When Jordan finds a powerful ring, he also finds a destiny to live up to. There are worlds beyond his own, unlike anything he ever imagined. But revelation comes with a price: the Green Lantern Corps has fallen, long since murdered by ruthless killing machines known as Manhunters. The odds against reinstating the Corps are nearly impossible … but doing the impossible is exactly what an astronaut like Hal Jordan was trained to do.
From creator Gabriel Hardman, the critically acclaimed author of INVISIBLE REPUBLIC, comes a soaring new epic original graphic novel in the tradition of the best-selling WONDER WOMAN: EARTH ONE VOL. 1 by Grant Morrison and BATMAN: EARTH ONE VOL. 1 by Geoff Johns! GREEN LANTERN: EARTH ONE VOL. 1 is a radical look at the Lantern mythology and a great entry point for new readers.“
(Picture Copyright: DC Comics)

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